What is Lead Scoring in Keap?

Lead Scoring is a tool you can use to assess your database, and assign prospects a score based on their level of engagement. This is available in the Max Classic version of Keap (the edition formerly known as Infusionsoft).

How do I set it up?

How do I use it?

These select modules were plucked from the IS Starter Kit course - a foundational training course for Keap users with the Max Classic edition. And thanks to a partnership with Keap, this course is now available for free. Want that?

IS Starter Kit
This course is for anyone who is just starting out with Max Classic version of Keap , or just starting to take it seriously. With 40 short modules, we're going to put the foundation in place that you need to really start getting using Keap with confidence (Max Classic Only). Price: $97 Free

What now?
Just sign up below and you can start the course right away:

(There is a temporary known issue causing intermittent problems with some forms, sorry about that -
if you have trouble with this one -
try this link instead.)

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