2017 Marketing Automation Predictions

2017 Marketing Automation Predictions

Hi-diddly-ho reader-inos!

Besides promising not to channel my inner Ned Flanders for the rest of this post, I’m excited today to share a post that isn’t my usual technical ninja stuff.

Rather, since I see a lot of businesses and technologies, I wanted to share what I believe are the trends you’re going to see more in Marketing Automation for …

Linear vs Ladder: Quote Edition

Linear vs Ladder: Quote Edition

Brett FairbournBuckle up sports fans, I’ve got an awesome blog post comin’ in from one of the best and brightest in the Infusionsoft building. Today’s post comes from Brett Fairbourn, a fellow automation geek and Infusionsoft educator. You may recognize Brett (or his voice) from his engaging and exciting update videos when Infusionsoft has a new software release, but today we’ve …