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Training Mini Courses

Marketing Automation 101

This foundational free course is filled with real world lessons and practical advice from over a dozen marketing automation practitioners.

Infusionsoft 101

I interviewed over a dozen Infusionsoft users and asked them what they wished they’d known when they were first getting started.

AI in Keap

This mini course covers the AI features Keap has built into the software. We’ll show you what they do, and how to start putting them to work for your business.

The One Conversation

The One Conversation

This video series follows the one conversation I’d have with any business that knows they want to grow, but isn’t quite sure what to prioritize next.

YouTube Channel

Yes, I maintain an active YouTube channel with a massive amount of totally free content. If you’re the type of person who loves learning, we’d recommend subscribing to our YouTube channel so that you’re the first to know when we upload a new video there.

And, take a look through the archive of videos there (you may find some really valuable stuff).

FAQ Template Campaign

Building a campaign to respond to the questions you are asked most frequently is one small way you can save yourself time.  You may only get these questions a few times a week, but if it saves you 2-3 minutes each time, that time adds up and you can get back to focusing on what you are best at. Check out the corresponding blog post here.

Adding People to (and removing them from) Campaigns

Keap’s campaign builder is easily the sexiest part of the software. But even with all the buzz about it, it’s still not as straightforward as it could be to add people to your campaigns. But, it can be done and it doesn’t require you creating a bunch of unnecessary tags and entry goals.

Keap Playlist

Remember that bomb-diggity YouTube channel? Well the Keap specific videos have been lined up into one convenient YouTube Playlist – basically an automation buffet. Dig in. Each video has a helpful trick or hack, a proven strategy, or a real campaign break down. Enjoy.

Keap Mastermind Calls

This was a fun one – here’s a recording of my guest appearance on the Keap Mastermind Call way back when, with Jordan Hatch. Take a listen as I diagram a ninja campaign for allowing your members to manage their own subscription. This little trick doesn’t require any third party tools or plugins, and will give your subscribers the ability to switch to a new subscription, or a new billing cycle without risking double payment.

The Migration

This is the small business documentary that you’ve been hearing about – it follows the process of migrating the Monkeypod membership area from Customerhub to AccessAlly, and all the people, planning, and tools that made it possible.

The Migration

This is the small business documentary that you’ve been hearing about – it follows the process of migrating the Monkeypod membership area from Customerhub to AccessAlly, and all the people, planning, and tools that made it possible.


Keap Audit Checklist

It's easy for stuff to pile up in your Keap application. Especially if you've taken over an application that someone else configured. That's why it's important to spend some time each year (or each quarter) performing an audit on your application and cleaning up the redundant or unnecessary information. But where do you start? There's no recipe for executing an effective audit, until now. Grab this 21 point checklist and make sure that you cover all the major violators when it comes to accumulating junk.

Nature of Nurture Ebook

Nurture is the single easiest thing you can do to impact your bottom line. It involves taking the prospects you're already capturing, and converting them at a higher rate. You can implement a nurture process that will dramatically impact your bottom line without spending an additional cent. So, given all that, why are most entrepreneurs still doing it wrong?  Start with these 11 questions and nurture your prospects like you mean it. The easiest way to make your customers believe you care about them is to actually care about them.

Want more?

If you like this type of stuff, then sign up for the Monkeypod Blog, or subscribe to my YouTube channel, and I'll send you a handwritten post card every time there's something new. Or an email, one or the other.