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Email: admin@monkeypodmarketing.com
X: @InfusionGreg
Instagram: @monkeypod_marketing
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Good question, let’s set an expectation for getting back to you. If you submit the contact form above someone on the Monkeypod the team will personally read it, and if you have a question we’ll try and answer it. Deal? Deal.
If you are looking for a place to ask questions on a regular basis, or some place to get ideas for making the most out of Keap – check out the OG Membership.
When we started with Infusionsoft we were overwhelmed by its functionality and couldn’t figure out how apply it best in our business. We were fumbling around, and confused. But we had big goals for our marketing, how we interact with our customers and the bottom-line results we wanted to see.
We knew we needed expert training. My team and I worked with Greg over an extended period to tap his technical brilliance. But that was only part of it. The greater benefit for our team was having access to his incredible understanding of strategic marketing, the customer journey and in-house workflows.
He’s an excellent educator and a clear and generous communicator. Greg doesn’t seek to keep his clients captive and attached to him – he empowers them to stand on their own. He is the wise mentor available to share what he knows when you are ready to take the next big leap in your business and need a solid knowledge base and the motivation to make a start.
Greg Jenkins is one of the most talented, impressive and effective presenters and coaches I have worked with in my 20+ years in the operations and marketing industry. I give my strongest personal recommendation to Greg for those looking for a trainer, business coach, and strategic consultant.
Greg is a powerful combination of a skilled presenter, a captivating and interesting speaker, a funny and engaging communicator, and true professional with a knowledgeable and helpful business mind. Combining those skills, he is able to connect like no other with his audience, keep them engaged, and then train and impart tools and skills they need to be successful. It is a rare presenter who can be that effective to all participants in a diverse crowd – yet Greg pulls it off with characteristic ease.
On a personal level, Greg is very approachable, kind and truly concerned for the welfare of his clients. While humble and self-effacing, he commands natural respect from his audience who easily is rapt and engaged by his intuitive presentation/coaching approach. Articulate, creative, and a natural solutions finder, Greg is a can’t miss for individuals and teams who need to learn and retain the information he presents.
You cannot find a better presenter. A true asset to any organization.
The OG membership with Monkeypod has deadset been one of the most valuable subscriptions we've ever maintained. We've loved not only the business/learning side of it, but the way that "Greg is just Greg" and the personality he brings to the space.