Campaigns of the Titans Ebook
2021 Edition, Volume 3
Campaigns of the Titans is a popular resource that PlusThis has compiled the last few years. It is literally one of the most valuable eBooks I’ve ever seen assembled.
Effectively it’s a showcase of the campaigns and strategies that various marketers use to grow their businesses – and they all feature PlusThis in some capacity.
They’ve done it again, the 2021 edition has been released and, true to form, is very strong.
And they’ve been kind enough to invite me to contribute one of my campaigns. The campaign I broke down this year was a re-launch for one of my courses, featuring 4 different PlusThis features.
My Contribution to Past Editions
In case you missed the prior year’s edition of Campaigns of the Titans, then check out this video recapping how I use PlusThis video tracking with my virtual courses.
I’ve got a handful of PlusThis tutorials lined up here for ya.
[Webinar Replay] Making Money with PlusThis
This is the ungated replay of a training on the PlusThis features that Brian and I use in our own businesses, and specifically how they earn an ROI for us.