This blog post is all about the Lead Scoring feature in the Max Classic version of Keap.

(And just as a reminder, the Max Classic version was formerly called Infusionsoft.)

But before we get to how this feature works, I wanna first talk about what it does, so you can decide if it’s something that your business will use.

As valuable as Keap’s Lead Scoring feature is, it’s utility is somewhat limited for certain business types.

Kinda like the corkscrew on a swiss army knife – if you don’t drink wine, it’s probably not that important.

But if you’re part of the rosé-all-day crew, then this little feature might just be your personal fav.

What is Lead Scoring?

Simply put, Lead Scoring is a Keap feature that evaluates your database (all your contacts) and assigns them a score based on a set of criteria you define.

That score is represented on their contact record by flames.

Lead Score Flames in Keap

If you’ve seen those flames and wondered, now you know.

But if you’ve never seen those flames, it could be because Lead Scoring is only available in Max Classic accounts (formerly known as Infusionsoft), or that it’s simply disabled in your account (but you can flip it on).

Which begs the question – do I need it?

Do I need Lead Scoring?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It’s a cool feature – but doesn’t mean it’s critical for every business.

If you want to keep tabs on how your audience is engaging with your content, then Lead Scoring might be the answer. Scores calculate automatically and you can get updates on your dashboard.

Keap Lead Score Update

If you have a team of sales reps (or even just one) who want to make sure they’re spending their time calling the most engaged prospects in their pipeline, then Lead Scoring might be the answer. It’s available to use as search criteria.

Lead Score Criteria

Or if you want to automatically start or stop automation based on the way someone does (or doesn’t) engage with your emails, then Lead Scoring might be the answer.

Keap Lead Score Goal

There are myriad scenarios where Lead Scoring solves real world problems – but whether or not it’s a fit for your business is going to depend on your specific set of circumstances.

But if you do decide to use it…

How do I use Lead Scoring?

If you decide it sounds interesting, or even if you’re interested-but-not-quite-sure, the next step would be to set up the initial set of criteria that the Lead Scoring feature will use to evaluate the contacts in your database.

The beauty of that is that the algorithm starts running right away, and in a matter of a few hours you’ll have a new layer of information regarding the prospects in your app.

Where do I learn more?

The Keap Academy platform features a quick mini course all about Lead Scoring, covering the how you can set it up for your business, and the different ways to start using it right away.