Bad Joke Warning: There are two types of Infusionsoft users – People who admit that their app is a mess; and people who lie about it.AppAudit_Logo

Maybe that’s hyperbole, but it really seems like every person I talk with acknowledges that they could use a little tidying up (no matter how many systems they’ve subscribed to). In fact, one of my 3 most successful lead captures is my 21 Point App Audit Checklist. 82 people downloaded this checklist in January. Now, that’s a number that’s not exactly staggering, but it does tell me that there are plenty of people wondering how they can do a better job organizing their account.

(Also, regarding the title of this post; Yes, I know it’s not Spring everywhere. But let’s let it slide this time, Australia.)

Here are 5 of the 21 tips that you can do today to start cleaning up your app:

  1. Check your Can-Spam address block. This information is added to the footer of all emails, it’s something people often set up and then forget to go back and update it if they change addresses. (Read more)
  2. Identify Duplicate Contact Records. There are a number of ways for duplicate records to accumulate in your application, it’s important to check for and address duplicates periodically. (Read more)
  3. Delete Erroneous Saved Searches and Reports. Oh man, this is an easy one to overlook, and then ka-blammImage result for audito, next thing you know you’ve got 60 saved searches to sort through before you can find anything. If you aren’t using a report, or it’s become obsolete; just take the time to delete it so it isn’t causing confusion.
  4. Audit Your Dashboard. If your dashboard loads every single time you log in, then you should be asking yourself if every statistic or report on your dashboard is necessary. Your dashboard is valuable real estate; make sure you’re only using it for information that you need every time you log in.
  5. Clean-up and Rename Files and Images. This is another one that many people don’t know they can do. Ya know how you can upload images directly into an email or into a web form? Of course you do. Well, most people don’t have the foresight to give it a name that will make sense to them in 6 months or a year. So, without even trying they end up with a whole list of images with names like screenshot3_14_16.jpg and headshot_final_v3.png. (Time to rename your images.)

So, these 5 tips, and the other 16 in this Ebook are all things that you can do to tidy up your application and make your life a little easier.

Oh, and because doing things manually is a pain, here’s a brief video profiling a campaign you can build to let your prospects and customers help you with your spring cleaning: