A few years back I made the choice to move the Monkeypod members area onto AccessAlly, and I wrote this blog post documenting why we made that decision.

But recently my new business partner Cameron was asking about the role it plays for us, and so i took the time to spell out some of the top benefits. Here they are:

The short update is AccessAlly has been a great fit – I still love it, both the company and the software. If you are looking for a Membership plugin for your WordPress site, I’m more than happy to endorse AccessAlly.

What does AccessAlly do?

The core benefits it offers for Monkeypod are:

  1. Course Access: While many of the Monkeypod courses are now on the Keap Academy platform, we still offer free mini courses through our members area, and are in production of new flagship courses for later this year.
  2. Member Access: Monkeypod’s core offering is the OG Membership – and whlle our private community is hosted in a Facebook group, there are other member benefits that are housed in our AccessAlly members area.
  3. Affiliate Center: If you use Keap’s affiliate features, it does have a native referral partner center that you can use, but I didn’t want my partners to have to log in one place for their links and another for the rest of Monkeypod’s content, so I use AccessAlly’s platform to house my partner resources.
  4. Customer Billing Center: Because the AccessAlly members area is behind a login, this means members can securely view their past invoices, update their card on file, and make payments if they have an outstanding balance. This is good because, well, money – but also it reduces the manual effort in tracking down payments that are overdue, or helping customers with general billing questions.

This isn’t a comprehensive list of AccessAlly features, or even all the features I’m currently using, but these definitely are some of the most valuable aspects components for the role it plays for Monkeypod.

AccessAlly Features and Benefits

AccessAlly is a WordPress plugin – so if you use WordPress, this would add the membership style functionality to your site. In addition to the page permissions, some AccessAlly editions includes learning management style tools (progress tracking, certificates, etc).

So, if launching a membership site has been on your to-do list, you can check out the AccessAlly editions and pricing here.

And, if you want to see the inside of the Monkeypod members area – you can sign up for one of the free mini courses here, or join the OG membership.

If you have questions or comments, drop them below. Thanks for reading.

Ask the Experts

Memberships can be a powerful way to grow a business, or enrich the way you serve your audience. This course features important questions and valuable insights from a variety of experts with experience building and growing membership model businesses.