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Automated Webinar
Automated Webinar

Thanks for checking out what was formerly The Automated Webinar Automated Webinar. Obviously this used to be delivered as an automated webinar, but I’ve since made the full project available as a stand-alone video to give you more control and flexibility. Enjoy.

This page here is dedicated to sharing the resources I outlined on the video – if you have any feedback or questions, just reach out.

When this was a webinar, this was the journey:

You Are Here

Remember that an automated webinar (no matter how expertly it’s delivered) is just a tactic, and it is most productive when it fits within an overarching marketing strategy.

Something happened before the webinar (a Facebook ad, or an email invite, etc) and something will happen next – you can use the options on the page below to “choose your own adventure”, or you can take no action and we’ll let the automation gods decide our fate.

Cool, so what’s next?

What's that OG Membership thing?

What a good looking question – so, the OG Membership is the community of Infusionsoft users that I support.

Membership has a few benefits, but at it’s core, it’s a private Facebook group that is available for unlimited Q&A style questions – perfect for bouncing ideas around, double-checking a campaign structure, or drawing inspiration from strategies others share.

Check out the OG Membership here.

What courses do you recommend?

So as you’ve no doubt gathered, education is kinda my thing – and specifically, I like to focus on helping Keap users get the most out of their marketing automation. I mentioned a few Monkeypod courses on the webinar and if you’d like to learn more about what I’ve got to offer, here ya go:

View Monkeypod Courses

Where you start is totally dependent on your existing relationship with Keap – for Max Classic users, I recommend starting with the IS Starter Kit, because I feel like having a solid foundation makes everything easier.

What were those tools you said you use?

Demio is the webinar platform I use for live and for automated webinars. The interface is simple and easy to use, the default landing pages are clean, and it has a native integration with Infusionsoft.

It basically does everything I need, if you want a recommendation for a webinar tool then look no further. [Learn More]

For a more complete list of tools that have earned my trust, check out the Useful Tools page.

Full Video

Remember – this was originally recorded as an automated webinar; but I’ve since changed it up and am hosting the video here for you to watch at your convenience.

I love Demio, but the reason for changing my approach was that I switched webinar platforms and was moving to Zoom for my webinars.

04:24 Agenda

06:10 LCM Conversation

14:47 Demio Set-Up

26:42 Keap Campaign

34:54 Summary and Next Steps

Wait, how does Demio work again?

Need a text resource you can easily bookmark? I gotchu.

Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough on the process for setting up an Automated Webinar in Demio.

Isn't this really just a video? What gives?

Yeah, good call.

An automated webinar is really just a video file that you’ve uploaded AS an automated webinar.

The idea is that by presenting it in a webinar environment (i.e. requiring registration, adding a chat options on the side, no video player controls, etc) it’ll affect the way the content is received, and hopefully in a positive way.

But yeah, this is a test – so, we’ll see!

Webinar Reporting

So, how does the reporting work for this whole thing, right? Well, Demio can show us some basic stuff – like how many people have registered, and attended – and it also creates a graph of their interaction so we can see how long people are sticking around, and which parts of the webinar are holding their attention.

You can also see registrants and attendees by session, as well as their total completion percentage; and while you can’t reply in real time during an on-demand session, you can see any chat messages they may have sent, and reply from the Demio interface.

In addition to what the Demio platform offers, remember that you also will have some additional options available to you through Keap.

The image below shows the campaign described in the Webinar (currently set to 30-day historical view), and the Teal number shows everyone who has registered during that window, whereas the sequence highlighted in orange shows those who have not only registered, but also attended, and the sequence marked with purple shows the folks that registered and did not attend.

Still have questions?