Picture this:

Your company is holding an event with slots available on three different dates. And the three date options are at different locations or can host different amounts of people.

Not far-fetched is it?

So why is it so hard?

We run into scenarios like this from time to time in The Monkeypod Grove. A seemingly easy concept — Hosting an event with slots to fill — is for some reason actually kind of hard to execute and automate using Keap and Calendly and other fun tools like these.

Grovers are constantly explaining their unique issues, and lots of brilliant OGs have had to come up with some sophisticated campaign manipulation to make it work the way we want it to for these unique use cases.

But it shouldn’t be that hard. All we want is to display each slot, when/where each session is, show many are left, and kick off some automation. And it was hard.. until now.

Introducing Slottable. A ridiculously simple tool made solely to solve this simple, yet common, problem.

We asked our good friend Bryce to do a demo for us:

Okay ya’ll – that’s Slottable.

It’s quick – easy to use – and solves some real world problems for folks who need slot scheduling.

If you’re interested, check out the details, or jump in on their free trial here.

Questions, comments, compliments? Drop em below.