Lead Nurture Myth #3

Lead Nurture Myth #3

I think the first and second posts I wrote dispelling these myths probably gave you plenty of context, but in case you haven’t read them, or have forgotten: Nurture is really, really important.

Nurture Myth #3: Nurture is something you do for your business.

Lead NurtureSometimes this one takes a little while to sink in, but when it does, the shift …

Icebergs to sink your LCM Ship

Icebergs to sink your LCM Ship

The first thing you need to know is that Lifecycle Marketing transcends Infusionsoft. It’s a stable concept for small businesses everywhere. The common mistakes I’m going to outline here are not unique to Infusionsoft users. They’re prevalent throughout the small business community at large.

Lifecycle Marketing (or LCM as I’ll call it) is the strategy around which Infusionsoft encourages you …